Please support the REF's goal of maintaining the highest level of excellence within Deane-Porter and Forrestdale Schools by making a one-time or recurring frequency gift for any amount.
Checks for any amount may be payable to:
Rumson Education Foundation
PO Box 395
NJ 07760
Leave a long-lasting legacy with a personalized, engraved bench, paver or brick. Purchases are tax-deductible.
Corporate Matching
Companies match gifts at 1:1, 2:1, 3:1 or 4:1 ratio!
Gift Appreciated Stock
Gifting stock means a larger gift and larger tax-deduction!
Leave a long-lasting legacy with a personalized, engraved bench, paver or brick. Purchases are tax-deductible! To pay by check, please contact us.
* Submit your order before year-end for delivery and installation in the springtime of the following year.
Did you know when you make a gift, you can request a matching gift from your employer, who then makes their own gift? Companies usually match gifts at a 1:1 ratio, but some will match at a 2:1, 3:1, or even a 4:1 ratio!
Simply check the box 'Get my company to match my donation' in the form below.
Make a bigger impact by gifting long-term (1 Year+) appreciated stock, bonds, and mutual funds directly to REF.
Gifting appreciated stock results in a larger contribution and a larger tax-deduction! See below for example.
Potential for corporate to match gift amount as well!
Avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated stock.
Receive an income tax charitable deduction for the full market value of the stock. Security must be held for at least a year; speak to your tax-advisor prior to making a gift.
See how stock bought for $2,000 can result in a $15,000 gift with $4,700 in total net tax savings!